Could have been a great hunt at Long Lake

Dec 30 2023

Murphy McCabe


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Decided to hunt the blind this morning. At shooting time, there were hundreds of birds in the air. Only able to get five divers to land on the water. Only three passing shots. They just flare off of Long Lake. I'm not sure what it is. Could have been the spread but I'm not sure considering what other folk have been reporting lately. 

The lake to the north of the blind or left looking out of the blind had a day. The ducks were diving in over there and the blind even got peppered a couple times. This is not a PWH lake.

Are the other hunting lake ponds/lakes on this property a part of a different hunting membership? Pulling out of the property, there was about 80 duck on the front lake with the big blind. Looks like it would have been more successful. 

I noticed that the road along the fence line of Long Lake had about twenty firs piled up. Are these going to be used to make some blinds on different spots of the lake? That could potentially be very beneficial for success here. 

Walked away two ringneck and bluebill.