Monday 13-Nov-2023 - pretty good day

Nov 14 2023

Carrie Babcock


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The day started out nice.  We had one ringneck land in the decoys about 10 minutes after shoot time.  30 minutes later we had a group of 7 wigeon come in and we got one.  15 minutes later we had a group of 6 ringnecks come through and we dropped 2.  In the next hour we had about another 30 birds come over.  They didn’t land unfortunately.  Finally we had a single wigeon come in that we dropped.  We picked up the decoys around 9am and and we had a group of about 30 to 40 teal drop into the pond.  Unfortunatley I wasn’t ready because I was picking up the decoys.  All in all we probably saw about 100 birds today.