Trout Support videos - 10% discount to PWF members

Sep 11 2017

Murray Camp


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Trout Support videos - 10% discount to PWF members

I usually don't do this, but I'm going to anyway.

In addition to PWF, I also try to get down to the coast when I can to chase redfish in the marshes.   I have fished shallow Texas saltwater all my life, but either as a kid, or with a guide, and never paid much attention to the where, why, and how until I started kayak fishing more seriously.

I recently purchased two DVDs from TroutSuppport and was really pleased.  I read other great reviews and took the plunge with considerable skepticism, expecting to get a video with about 10 minutes of useful information in an hour video.  Man, was I wrong.  It’s about 3 hours of useful information crammed into a 2 hour long video.  There is so much information that you have to watch them multiple times to absorb it all.    They cover tides, currents, seasons, sign, movement patterns, water clarity, target fish behavior, prey species migration, weather, and just about every other parameter necessary to find and catch inshore redfish.  

I bought the Shallow Redfish, and Trophy Trout DVDs, but have heard great things about the two other videos as well.   I have gotten to know Tobin, the owner/producer, and he is a great dude who will answer any questions (and sometimes multiple questions) about the information presented, and is happy to give his input on locations, seasons, baits, ect.    They are available as DVDs or online.  Highly recommended for the inshore angler.

He is offering a 10% discount to PWF members.  Use BIGTEN as the code.