"Social Distancing" while bass fishing with a buddy

Apr 21 2020

Larry Maupin


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"Social Distancing" while bass fishing with a buddy

Like most folks we have been following the safety guidelines including social distancing. I wanted to fish with a long time friend, so I told him we could do social distancing on the water. 

How do you do that with one small boat? Well, use two small boats. I've done this a number of times when taking my two sons and a friend fishing when I have only a 2-man boat - a 9.4' Bass Hound. I simply launch my boat and the available club boat (usually a 12' jon boat) tie them together with a length of rope and tow it around with the trolling motor on my boat. I know it sound goofy but it works very well. 

So if you're ever wanting to fish with a buddy and want to do social distancing, try this. It truly sounds goofy but it really works.

Apr 23 2020

Keith Barfield


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Thanks Larry.  That's a great idea!  Also, I really appreciate your quality videos on the club lakes.  It's a excellent way to showcase the properties & send to a guest / prospective members. 

Apr 23 2020

Larry Maupin


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Hi Keith. Glad you like my idea. 

And I appreciate your kind comments about the lake videos. I’ve enjoyed creating them and glad you find them useful.