"Snow" on fishfinder

Jun 28 2017

James Stewart

Slot Fish

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"Snow" on fishfinder

I've written about this a couple of times in the fishing report section, but i thought i would start a discussion thread about this.  Does anyone else get "snow" on their fishfinder during the summer on PWF lakes?  I fished Hidden Springs last Saturday, and the "snow" showed from about 11' to the bottom all over the lake.  i know there is nothing wrong with my Lowrance Gen3 units because i went to Fork on Sunday and saw nothing like this.  I also remember seeing the same thing on Timber Lake last summer.  In both instances, i did not catch a fish in the "snow" depths; and most of the fish i could see were all above the snow.  i could see brush in the snow, but no fish that i could definately make out.


Anybody have any experience with this?  From what i've seen, this is a major factor for fishing these lakes during the summer.  if there are very few fish in the "snow", then you will need to concentrate your efforts in the depths above the snow level.

Jul 04 2017

William Fetech


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Since it appears in the summer, could it indicate the thermocline?


Jul 12 2017

Dale Pybus

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It is the thermocline.

Forming in most PWF lakes right now at about 10'. 

Jul 12 2017

James Stewart

Slot Fish

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thanks guys; that's the only thing i can figure it is.  i also saw it a couple of weeks ago at Indian Hollow, but not quite as solid as it was at other lakes.  They were both set up at about 10-11', and i caught nothing deeper than that.


Has that been everyone's experience; nothing deeper than the snow (thermocline)?

Jul 12 2017

William Fetech


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That is what I have heard from the bass "experts ". 


Aug 05 2017

Bob Scheidemann

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There are some informative videos on YouTube that address the thermocline and provide images of what it looks like on sonar and downscan images.
