Reports From Dogwood Lakes

Jul 15 2018

Larry Jordan


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Reports From Dogwood Lakes

Was wondering the status of the Dogwood Lakes near Henderson this summer. Haven't seen any recent reports, which is a little surprising after the numerous big bass caught there last summer. Any news?


Jul 18 2018

Danny Renfro

Slot Fish

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I was there last weekend.  Friday and Saturday. 7/13 & 7/14.  Made the 5 hour trip based on how hot these lakes are in the summer,  and the new moon phase.  It was painfully, brutally slow.  It’s hard for me to give up and swallow that fact that the fish just aren’t going to bite.  That hit me on Friday, after fishing 14 hours.  Saturday we woke up,  headed to dogwood east,  fished 3 hours and left.  it was apparent that the fish weren’t having anything of what we were throwing.  Biggest fish was 5lbs on a chatter bait.  Threw everything 5xd, 6xd, KVD 8.0 Crankbaits. Texas rig big worms, weightless flukes, senkos, Carolina rigs, swimbaits,  whopper plopper. Zara spook,  yellow magic, frog.  Was a disappointing trip.  If  you got any other questions you can give me a call 405-535-9669.

Jul 19 2018

Larry Jordan


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Danny, thanks for the update, Sorry your trip didn't turn out as you hoped. There's no doubt the fish are there, but unfortunately they don;t always bite. The trick is being there when they do. And that is the story that every fisherman knows so well.



Jul 25 2018

Shayne Wallace


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Mr.Larry I too have been waiting on this lake to turn on. My personal best came from this lake last year in late Feb but it was after 4 or 5 trips of culling 50-60 fish each trip. I was getting frustrated.  The biggest fish I've caught at Dogwood was a 5.0 until that 11.4 tried to choke a soft plastic creature bait. It's a beautiful property, there are Giants in the lake, just gotta weather the storm sometimes. I have a feeling it's gonna catch fire this fall when the big girls strap on their feed bags getting ready for winter.  Good luck guys!

Aug 23 2018

Larry Maupin


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I'm guessing the recent heat wave is effecting the fish about like it effects us. But these are two wonderful lakes. I caught my PB on the west lake - 26 inches / 11 pounds!