PWF Goals/Targets

Sep 07 2014

Mark Levock


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PWF Goals/Targets



Just wanted to see what you are willing to share regarding plans in the next 18-36 months regarding club growth and properties?  I know you don't want give out all the details, but it seems like you are growing the club in size of members and properties-all great news.  Just wanted to see what else the members can do other than spreading the word with advertising.  You have a small army to help, it can only get better with additional members and properties.  Awesome to see what you have done since you took over!  


Sep 08 2014

Steve Alexander


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Great question and you live by a motto I often use. Just ask, you never know what someone might tell you. I tell people, I wake up curious. I am curious about most things; expecially about people and business.

I will share some things, but as you might expect not everything. But things others might be curious about and then some things on what the future might hold.

Facts about the club:

* We have 504 active members. About 300 in DFW, 75 in Houston, 50 in Austin/San Antonio, 50 in east Texas area and another 25 out of state or Midland/Odessa area.

* The average member fishes 4.8 times a year.

* The 80/20 rule applies to fishing too. 80% of our reservations are made by 20% of our members.

* Our member retention rate has been between 84% to 88% each of the past 4 years. Almost unheard of, in a membership based business. Thank you members!!!!

* #1 sited reason for leaving the club, is I am not using the membership followed closely with I am moving out of state. I know most of you think "Why would someone leave Texas?"

*We have added 32 new fishing opportunites (properties) over the past 5 years. We lose about 2 properties a year; usually they sell and the new owner is not interested in our program.


* Continue the growth rate of 12% new fishing members and new lakes per year. Grow duck hunting at 20% a year (smaller number of members; easier to grow)

* Put a greater emphasis on new properties in Houston and the Austin San Antonio markets.

* Expand into the Oklahoma market. Sourthern and central OK lakes are close to Dallas and OK City.

* We have been fortunate to be featured in more than a dozen ranch and farm trade magazines. These articles bring interested landowners. However, we have used up most of those opportunties; so we are now advertising in several trade magazines and will have our first direct mail campaign this fall. This campaign is targeted at certain ranches that meet certain criteria in certain counties in Texas. Advertising is very expensive!!! But we must find new offerings.

*We will expand our trade shows to include the Houston Safari Club in January. The Safari Club is a great place to locate not only new members but to find new properties.

*Put a greater emphasis on club outings to fish in Mexico the Amazon and beyond.

*Spend more money to develop and promote the partner finder system. The system is not user frendly.  We want our members to spend time together.

*Change as the market changes.

As you might expect we have internal company goals, family, faith, and community goals.







Sep 12 2014

John Egan

Slot Fish

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Great information Steve. Good luck with Houston.