Power pole micro anchor

Mar 08 2017

Danny Renfro

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Power pole micro anchor

does anyone have one?  I am thinking about purchasing one to put on my sun dolphin pro 120.  I know they are popular with kayaks. Thought? Opinions?

Mar 09 2017

Steve Carpenter


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Thought about it, but not sure where to mount it. trolling motor on front and rudder in back. Did purchase the shallow water anchor pole. works pretty well. Also have the pro 120

Mar 10 2017

Phillip D. Chapin

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Danny, glad ya got your Pro 120 all rigged out.. ALL Us Pro 120 boat owners sure love our rigs..  :)

Mar 14 2017

Chad Bisbee


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Stick-it anchor works, and saves you $600.  Not saying it's as good, but they work real well if you add a length of bungee cord to the rope it comes with. 

Mar 21 2017

Marty Newman


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I bought a Kingpin pole anchor for my Sun Dolphin 120.  It's manual, but works very well.  I use it a lot when it's windy......anchor so that I can slowly work certain areas without fighting the wind/trolling motor at the same time.

Mar 21 2017

Scott Quigley


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I bought one for my 16' aluminum boat, and ended up returning it. The pole is 8.5', but you have to factor in that about a foot of the pole is above and "inside" the unit, and another 6" - 12" will be out of the water depending on where you mount the unit on your boat. Combine that with the fact that it has to stick into the dirt on the bottom at least 6" or so to really anchor, and you do not have a lot of depth to work with. I found that I could not anchor in water deeper than about 5.5', which really didn't help me. Even when I am fishing shallow water near the shoreline, the boat is typically floating in deeper water. I hardly ended up using it because it simply wouldn't reach the bottom when I needed it to.

I think it would be great for guys fishing saltwater in the bay, but I really didn't find it very useful for my purposes. I suppose you could always buy a longer pole somewhere, but I imagine a longer pole would be a hassle.

Mar 22 2017

James Stewart

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i use a DIG-IN shallow water anchor system that i purchased at West Marine.  i have a front and rear mount, and i only use it for sight fishing in very shallow water.  i used the same on my 21' skeeter that i used to own, and they worked perfect for sight fishing.   not sure how long my poles are (10' +), but work great for that.  

May 16 2017

Dale Pybus

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I have a PP Micro. I use it on both a Buster Boat and a 15' Tracker aluminum and I love the thing.

It is a game changer in the Spring when fishing a lot of shallow water and you need to work a small area thoroughly, especially if? the wind is blowing - it's always blowing. Push a button, boat stops on a dime, push a button, ready to move on.

I found a deal online when they first came out on the unit then bought the pole separately at Fishin' World in Dallas.

I use it all the time.