Pet friendly lodging

Oct 11 2016

Jeff Dupont


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Pet friendly lodging

Hi All,


New to this site.


We have a dog who makes it hard for us to leave for weekends.  Is there any way we can find out which sites have lodging that accepts pets?  I have looked and many sites do not mention pets.


thanks in advance



Oct 13 2016

Steve Alexander


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Hi Jeff,

We love dogs. But unfortunately, we have had too many incidents where dogs on properties have caused issues. Usually the issue is with a wild or country dog from a neighboring property that roams the country and does not like our city dogs. Dog fight ensues and this creates issues. As far as lodging with a pet, we don't do that because of the potential dog hair issue. Not only can it be messy, it creates dander which is highly allergic to some folks. I know, I know, not all dogs shed. But, we cannot go on a case by case basis, so our policy is no pets at our properties. I know that is not what you wanted to hear.



Oct 14 2016

Jeff Dupont


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Thanks Steve for the answer.  Understand your reasoning.