Overnight- OK, Marshall or Yates

Sep 27 2014

Mark Levock


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Overnight- OK, Marshall or Yates

Wanted to see if anybody is possibly interested in fishing one of these properties this week.  I was thinking of going Thursday afternoon, fish the PM and then do an all day Friday fish.  Just wanted to see if there is any interest.  I may be doing a Fork trip and this would mess this up this trip.


i am leaning toward Marshall, but could be any mentioned above.  More people the better.

Sep 29 2014

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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I would normally jump at the chance Mark as I'm off on Wednesdays and it can be tough to find a partner mid-week however this coming Fri-Sun is our maiden voyage to San Saba so I've got the nose to the grindstone until then.  I also think Marshall should be putting out some lunkers any week now and I'm itching to go.

Good luck and hopefully you get to wet a line.



Sep 29 2014

Mark Levock


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good luck at San Saba.  I still have not been down there.  Still waiting to see if any members step up this week.  Nothing but crickets so far!

Oct 01 2014

Scott Quigley


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We are currently working on upgrading the Partner Finder to make it more useful and user friendly. This post is perfect example of what we hope the partner finder will help with. We want to help our members find other members to fish with, as we know it is more fun to fish with a partner! We are overhauling the entire parner finder with some big changes - we have added the ability to invite someone to fish right from a forum post (invite to fish button under each person picture), added an "Empty Seats" section where you can post your trips that you already have booked and would like a partner for that other members can then ask to go on with you, as well as making the partner finder much more functional and easy to use.

Once all the updates are complete, I will be posting a "how to" on the partner finder.

PWF Members - If you get the chance, click on "partner finder" in the red bar where you log in and check it out. The more members we can get to participate, the better!

Oct 01 2014

Mark Levock


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Seth -

Sounds good.  Another thought is to setup some long weekend signups for the larger properties - Coalgate, Marshall, Hidden Springs, Rough Creek, etc

 You and Steve pick some off peak dates for group outing with the landowners for each site, maybe 2-3 per year, per site.  Have sign up sheets for fishing, lodging, food/beverage.  I think if the club puts dates in front of members, more people would attend/sign up.  Start fishing Thurs and head home Sun. night.  If people can only stay a night or two, not a problem - Everybody covers their fishing and lodging fees - I am sure we can throw some briskets on a smoker each day and have potluck every night.  If there is no interest by members, cancel the group outing and the properties can go back in the pool for individual fishing,  I have a feeling it may get some interest and people to properties they have not been to before.  Maybe worth an experiment at a property or two for fall fishing this year.  Just an idea - I would sign up.

Oct 02 2014

Scott Quigley


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That's a good idea. I will discuss with Steve when he gets back from Brazil and see if we can work something out.

Seth, PWF