No Coronavirus at PWF lakes

Mar 20 2020

Jim Bennett

Slot Fish

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No Coronavirus at PWF lakes

I may be stating the obvious, but there is a 0.0% chance of getting this virus at any of the PWF lakes.  Just dont go to any public places , and enjoy your day, catch some culls for your family. Win-Win for everybody.

Mar 26 2020

Greg Zimmerman


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I agree with Jim, but I will not say 0.0%.  I am not a medical professional, but I agree that when I fish, I either have zero contact with other human beings or the humans that I do contact with are the ones that I would be there in a second for if they had an issue.  I am, however, an attorney.  I have at my disposal, the latest information on the shelter-in-place orders for all Texas counties and cities as of today and my firm monitors them continuously.  I advise you to read the applicable SIP order for the county/city in which you live or fish, in order to comply, but unless you are fishing in Travis County or City of Austin (which are very poorly written orders and may shut down construction and other basic activities), I feel comfortable to fish on.  Also, my wife is super-paranoid about this stuff, and the only reason that she will let me leave the house, is to go fishing.  Stay healthy, stay safe.  This is not legal advice.