More flexible fishing times

Sep 28 2014

William Fetech


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More flexible fishing times


Since I live west of San Antonio, there are only two properties within an hours drive. I enjoy fishing Giddings, Bryan. and La Grange, but these properties are about a three hour drive.  If I leave early in the morning, I still only can fish about 3 hours before noon. If I want to fish afternoon until sunset, I get home very late.  I know most of the properties are located in the Dallas/FW area and this flexibility is not needed.  For those properties in more remote locations and not fished that frequently (unlike Yates, Marshall, Collegate) , I think this flexibility will entice more people to fish these locations.  Maybe this could be an option if no one is fishing neither AM or PM the day of fishing.  

What do others think about this?

Bill Fetech




Sep 28 2014

Kelly Denham


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I just book the full day and quit when I want. I've never fished sun up to sun down. I can't stand sitting that long in the boat but I also know I don't want to have to quit at noon. I just pay the extra money for the freedom to quit when I want. I am usually done by 3. 

Sep 29 2014

William Fetech


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Kelly. I see by your profile you live in the DFW area and have plenty of properties less than an hours drive so this is not an issue. When I fish the two close properties, I do not want this flexibility. I was hoping to hear from members outside the DFW area. 



Sep 29 2014

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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Hey Bill,

Great point and one that Steve will surely address once he's back from the Amazon.  We discussed this at length and he has some salient points for both sides of the arguement on whether we should be able to "tease" the time for a half day by a few hours.  He's looked at the issue at length as this seems to come up every now and again.  Now that we have this wonderful forum added to the website he can walk through his perspective with you for all to see. 


P.S.  In the meantime, our PWF bretheren are surely boarding the big boat for their trip to peacock bass paradise. 

Sep 29 2014

Kelly Denham


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Sorry, when I read your post I glanced at your profile and read it as Member since June 2014, and not June 4, 2010. I thought I was responding to somoene just joining up. Obviously you've done this longer than I so I'm sure you've considered my solution at some point. (ha!)

Sep 29 2014

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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i know the MEMBER SINCE dates are not correct.. mine says member since 2010.. when actually ive been a member since 2004.. so you cant go by that date,, i think the new website upgrade only goes back to 2010 on dates.. Bill sorry your not closer to more lakes , BUT you do live in a beautiful area.. a lot of ranches down there.. maybe some scouting you can find some friendly ranchers with ponds that need fishing.. good luck

Sep 30 2014

William Fetech


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Phillip. The hill country is a great place to live. I have provided Steve with the locations of several places with fishing holes. Unfortunately, Steve has not been able close the deal as most property owners in this area are reluctant to allow "strangers" on their property. I know Steve is frustrated. 


Sep 30 2014

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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hey bill, even though the ranchers arent interested in our club , would they maybe allow you in to fish,, i know there are some deer leases that have lakes on them .. so maybe they would let you on , since they let hunters on..


Oct 05 2014

Tom Dillon


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I grew up on the edge of the Hill Country (New Braunfels). Those landowners sure don't hesitate to lease their ranches to deer hunters.

Oct 07 2014

Steve Alexander


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Thanks for asking the question. I think the best answer to your question would be to have more lake options in San Antonio. We are working towards that. For the first time in club history we have begun both advertising and a direct mail campaign to locate more lakes. We are targeting the counties in and around Austin/San Antonio/DFW and Houston.

We do not plan to offer day rates outside our current offering of AM, PM or All Day. All day rates are about 1/3 more than 1/2 day rates so most of our members who like to fish outside of dawn to noon or noon to dusk pay for all day and come and go as they please. This practice is common for those who want a more flexible fishing times.



Oct 07 2014

William Fetech


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Steve. That would be GREAT.
