Medina Lake photos

May 24 2015

William Fetech


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Medina Lake photos

Several members have expressed interest in the water level at Medina Lake. Since we live only 20 minutes from the lake, we took a trip there this afternoon. In February 2014, the water level was soooo bad you could barely see a trickle of water from where the attached photos were taken and more rain is expected on Monday. If the weather is good the rest of the week, I may try and fish Gallant Elms and take some photos. 

Bill Fetech 

May 25 2015

Steve Alexander


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That is encouraging.

May 30 2015

Tom Dillon


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As of 3:00 a.m. today, Medina Lake was only 24.3 feet low. Doesn't that means it's come up something like 60 feet in just over a week?

May 30 2015

William Fetech


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Yes and we had 1.8 inches of rain yesterday and another band of rain headed this way this morning. I may have to register my kayak and use it there. 

Bill Fetech 

Jun 01 2015

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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My grandfather has some property out there where we used to swim when we were little so I keep tabs on the lake from time to time.  I was shocked to see that the lake was at 4% of it's capacity and now is almost 50%.  I can remember 40 ft swings from year to year.  Our dock would be in the water one year and then nowhere near the water the next. 

Thanks for posting those photos Bill.