LunkersTV - Indian Cave La Roca Range

Dec 01 2018

Greg Zimmerman


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LunkersTV - Indian Cave La Roca Range

I recently saw a YouTube video by LunkersTV and LFG posted on 11/28 that I recognized as being filmed at Indian Cave La Roca Range.  Looks like they had great success with square bills and it was a nice showcase of what this lake has to offer.  The last five minutes of the video, however, was them having serious challenges getting their 21 foot bass boat out of the lake with a two-wheel drive truck.  They did eventually get the boat out but I suspect not without some damage to the fiberglass boat from the flying rocks and debris from the spinning tires.  The boat ramp is improved and in excellent condition, albeit with a loose rock surface and a bit steep, so I would guess no issue for a four-wheel drive vehicle.

Dec 01 2018

Jason Owens


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Are either of those guys members?  Or did they get access from the landowners?  Because I see the PWF page for that property says no trailers, hand launch only.  

Dec 02 2018

Steve Alexander


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The entire Googan Squad are paying members. in fact, likely 10% or more of Lunkers TV's fishing videos are shot on PWF properties. I think he shot about 20 videos on our lakes this year. Currently, we receive no promotional benefits from the videos. They pay their membership dues and daily fees like all our members. 

The boat ramp was just put in this week. I think they were the first boat to use it. With a 21 foot fiberglass boat on a rock ramp, they needed 4WD. We will amend the description page to include a boat ramp.


Mar 31 2019

Brian Akers


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I've noticed there is no measurement on fish caught or culls.  

Aug 01 2019

Jeff Cavitt


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They were there again advertising their lures.

No measurements and no culls again. 

Aug 29 2019

Jeff Cavitt


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Originally Posted by Jeff Cavitt

They were there again advertising their lures.

No measurements and no culls again. 

{Quoted Post}

UPDATE - HAPPY TO SAY - Lake Fork Guy IS FOLLOWING THE RULES and honoring the owners requests. He has my respect and support again. These guys are not evil or bad guys, they are just trying to put food on the table and support their families. In the video below you can see LFG having a great time on this property and culling the fish accordingly. Let's put the no cull/no measure thing to rest. I like/buy their lures and shirts and will continue to support them. I really enjoy their content and if it includes PWF properties ....EVEN BETTER! I can learn how to better fish those properties and possibly better spots to focus on. If only they would write up the fishing reports, it would shine light on how good the fishing is on the properties they visit.....and help others to have as much fun as they are. Good luck fishing everyone!