Feb 03 2016
Steve Carpenter
There is a discussion dated October 20-2014 by Jackson Bean that discusses using an electric winch to pull your boat onto the trailer. It may be a consideration. Most of the lakes I have fished [member since 2015] are on working ranches and there is a problem pulling the boat out at times. My boat is light enough that I don't usually have to put the wheels in the water and can still crank the boat up though at times it takes a lot of effort. Have thought about installing the winch. I am 68, I did go and purchase a 4 wheel drive truck
Good luck
Feb 03 2016
Joe V. Smith
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I have a two wheel drive Trailblazer and I am concerned about being able to pull my boat and trailer out from a muddy shore line.The boat is a 14 ft john with bow mounted trolling motor.I am worried that the trailer would get stuck in the mud.I am 70 with a bad back so man handling the boat is not am option.Have other people had a problem