Fish Kill At Heartbrand Ranch?

Aug 23 2022

Blake Posey


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Fish Kill At Heartbrand Ranch?

Does anyone have any information on a possible fish kill at heartbrand Ranch in Waelder? Saw a video of a big fish kill there and was wondering if that was a recent or old video. Thank you

Sep 01 2022

Steve Alexander


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Hi Blake,

You were likely watching a current video of some dead fish from an oxygen depletion at Heartbrand Ranch. Partial fish kills are a natural part of the eco-system and it happens on occasion when we have several days of cloudy weather during the hottest months of the year. For example this has happened at both San Saba Waco Creek Randh (twice) and La Grange Rock Chimney (twice) and Lake Encino over the past 15 years. 

The bad news is that catch rates will be reduced. The good news is that it is not a complete fish kill. Only a reset. We will be down to electrofish the lake in late October/November to access the extent and will have more news then. In the meantime we have closed the lake until we can evaluate the extent. 

Sep 01 2022

Blake Posey


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Steve thank you so much for taking the time to repond with an update for this property. Hopefully the kill was not aweful, as this place was becoming one of the best private water properties I have fished. Im sure the owner will be installing aerators, as when we have spoke, he seemed like a guy who wants his place to be the best. I look forward to seeing the reports from the electrofishing. Thanks again

Dec 02 2022

Blake Posey


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Any Updates on Heartbrand Ranch and Thrallveston after electro fishing? Thank you

Dec 22 2022

Steve Alexander


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Heartbrand had a significant fish kill caused by low oxygen depletion. My educated guess based on experience and the electrofish survey showed about a 75% kill. So, likely about 200-300 bass of all sizes still remaining in the lake

We restocked with 150 (1-2.5 lb bass) and about 100 6-8” pure Florida bass. 

I expect catch rates to be down in 2023 but still fishable.


Thralleston has been too low to shock the last two trips .