May 17 2021
Joshua Massoud
duly noted – yikes! hope you feel better soon Mark!
May 17 2021
duly noted – yikes! hope you feel better soon Mark!
May 19 2021
Thanks for the info, Mark. So sorry you got hit so bad. I never realized gnats were so problematic. Your comment about DEET got me searching. Google found a list of tips to combat gnats. Suggestions like tiki torches and bug zappers are not helpful for us anglers, but this was helpful
”Gnats are naturally drawn to fruity scents; in fact, your shampoo, body wash, or perfume may be what makes you a desirable target for these pesky flying pests. An easy way to combat this is by using unscented soaps or avoiding that spritz of cologne during the summer. Or, you can switch up your favorite scent with something they don’t like. Try using lemon or vanilla sprays. While gnats are a fan of sweet-smelling fruit, they can’t seem to stand vanilla, lemon, or even lavender. A little spritz can at least keep them at bay.”
Aug 30 2021
Slot Fish
When fishing marshes in south Louisiana, biting gnats were a huge issue and I encountered them on almost every trip in the summer. They were really bad when the wind was dead calm. I bought several head nets from an outdoor store for a couple bucks a piece and worth every cent. Didnt hinder my vision at all and they are large enough to fit easily over my glasses. They fold up real small and you can stash a couple in your tackle box in case the situation arises. I still keep a couple stored within arms reach.
Aug 31 2021
Slot Fish
Some years they are worse than others. We typically used Skin So Soft to repel them sucessfully. They stillfly close and are a neusance but didn’t bite with the Skin So Soft on.
Sep 03 2021
I am one of the people who gets eaten by mosquitos and gnats when nobody else does. I don't like bug spray because it makes me feel greasy. I used to sleep outside in the summers because there wasn't AC at our old ranch house. What I learned was that you can A) chew a few match heads each day or B) take a sulfur tablet. Stops the suckered. If you don't want to do that because it sounds weird, those cheep racket zapper fly swatters are pretty handy when a gnat swarm comes at you on the water.
May 17 2021
Mark Daugherty
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Public Service Announcement. Don’t ever let anyone tell you...that gnats don’t bite! I know that most of you are experienced in the outdoors, so this will probably not come as a surprise to you. But if you are being swarmed by gnats – getting into your eyes and ears…even around and under your hat, gaiter, and glasses…just be aware that there is a good chance that those suckers are chewing on you. This has only happened to me twice over the years with PWF – but it is miserable. I am not sure why they were biting me and not my wife (thankfully). She may have covered a little more efficiently. I am not sure of the variety – maybe buffalo gnats. Anyway, the swelling and itch is intense. The swelling is definitely more that from mosquitos – or I am just allergic/sensitive. My ears and under my eyes were so swollen and red – I’ve looked like some ridiculous elf the last two days! Getting better fast though! Just cover up and be aware – during mid-April to mid-May. Oh – and they are not repelled by Deet.