Depth at Bremmond?

Jun 14 2022

Greg Breazeale


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Depth at Bremmond?

Anyone know depth of Bremmond off the dam?



Jun 15 2022

Steve Alexander


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Greg, we electrofished the lake a couple years ago. Unfortunately, I don’t recall. I just remember we shocked as many 4 to 4.5 lb bass as any lake I have ever shocked. We have likely shocked close to 300 lakes over the years.


If I had to guess 15-20 foot. We rarely see much less, unless it is a flood control lake and don’t see many lakes more than 25 deep. 15-20 is a good average. 

Jun 20 2022

John Shepard

Slot Fish

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There is a good-sized area of 18- 20 feet water with a smaller area up to 26 feet.  It’s not snug up to the dam but a little ways out. Of course the absolute depth will change a little with fluctuating water levels.