Broseco Ranch on Market for $38 Milliom

Jul 13 2016

Bruce Prindle


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Broseco Ranch on Market for $38 Milliom

The Dallas Morning News had a story on 7/13 about an enormous ranch that was coming on the market.  Broseco was the ranch and at $3100/acre, you could buy the place we have all dreamed about for a cool $38 million.

Don't know the impact on PWF access long term, but the story certainly caught my attention.  If I had $38m lying around...


Jul 18 2016

Steve Alexander


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Yes, it is true Broseco Ranch is for sale. We knew it was going for sale when we started the least 18 months ago. Ranch's this size can often take years to sell and we thought we would take advantage of the opportunity for at least a couple of years. Enjoy it while you can!