Bass Forecast App.

Nov 29 2016

Danny Renfro

Slot Fish

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Bass Forecast App.

I think i seen some posts, about the app.  on here, went back and could not find them.  Do alot of you use it?  How has your results matched up with the apps daily fishing rating. I went a couple weeks ago, the app said the fishing was a 3.9.  We had a big cold front, we caught about 20 fish, but, it was a grind.  The biggest fish was about 3lbs. Was just wondering if  I should pay for the app. or just keep using the free one. 

Nov 29 2016

William Fetech


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Most of the apps I have seen do not account for weather. They only use the sun/moon phases.

Bill Fetech 


Nov 29 2016

James Stewart

Slot Fish

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i have it, and take a look at it, but so far i have not seen a lot of correlation between the times on the app and the actual fish catching.   for example, last saturday, there was a major period in the morning from like 6-9 am.  we didn't get a bite until after that time.

Nov 29 2016

Murray Camp


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I have noticed good correlation with the app about 50% of the time.  A statistician would probably say that it's not a statistically significant deviation from a random correlation, but maybe it is.      Way above my pay grade. 

Dec 02 2016

Mike Mehlmann


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Hey Danny, Murray, James and Bill....As founder of bass forecast, if you guys want to get the premium version, BassForecast will reimburse you.  Just e-mail me your itunes or google play receipt at  Allow me to chime in here.  Yes, we do account for the weather.  Accuweather is our main partner on this.  We used some some basic proven principles of Bass Behavior to develop our formula (algorithm) and are constantly fine tuning it based on feedback and field research.  There are so many factors that affect success outside of weather, such as fishing pressure, lure and pattern selection, body of water, etc.  The only way to accurately track results is to have statistical feedback from a good Bass Angler who fishes the same body of water 100+ days a year.  So, about 2 months ago, we hired Lake Fork Guide and FLW Tour Pro James Caldemeyer to report catch data to us every day.  We are correlating his data to our ratings.  When we have 100 days of data, I will publish the results for you guys.  I will tell you that yesterday 11/30, our rating was 6 on a 10 point scale, which is a very strong rating for this time of year.  James and his clients caught 46 Bass.  Today (12/1) our rating was only a 3.5, because our weather algorithm reduced the rating due to post cold front conditions (high pressure and blue bird skies).  And today (12/1), James and his clients caught 14 Bass.  So, early results are very positive.  When you email me, please feel free to also give me your feedback on what features you would like to see added to the app....We are currently investing in upgrades during the offseason to launch in March.  Many Thanks.  Mike Mehlmann     

Dec 02 2016

Robert Lundin


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I was wondering how you factor in the guide fishing or "not" fishing. If he fishes all days then my point is mute. But if he fishes sometimes and other times he does not then the data is invalid and cannot be used for analytical  purposes.  Everyone is different, I never let a guide fish as I hire a guide and not a fisherman.  

Dec 04 2016

William Fetech


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Robert. You have a good point. Even if the guide does or does not fish, the number of fish caught will also depend on the skill of the "guest".


Also, is the number of people fishing taken into account?


Dec 20 2016

Mike Mehlmann


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Robert and William,

Excellent points and questions.  This guide does not fish with his clients.  He is a very instructional guide in that he not only guides his guests on where to fish, but also gives them very specific instructions on which lure (s) to use, depth, location, presentation, etc.  He "guesstimates"  that 90% + of his clients are "pretty good" bass fisherman.  So, while poor guest skill will skew a few of the days, with enough data, the law of large numbers will prevail and average out these exceptions.  Yes, we are taking into account the number of people fishing and the number of hours on the water.  The correlation report we are generating is comparing our BassForecast rating for the day to number of fish caught per hour per fisher......As an aside, It has been very interesting working with James.  He is very smart and has performed better under tough conditions (low ratings) than the guides I have used.  So, next time I go to Fork, I will definitely book him if he is available. He does not like to look at the data prior, because he does not want it influencing how he fishes.  This is good for the test we are conducting.  However, he did say to to me recently that he is noticing a correlation.... and that if he knows the rating is low, it may help him adjust his pattern more quickly during the day to catch more fish.  This is great feedback....because we don't want a low rating to bum out an angler....We want it to help that angler understand and figure out a pattern more quickly ON THE DAY so he/she can catch more fish.      


Dec 21 2016

Steve Alexander


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The Law Of Large Numbers is key. Great information Mike.

Mike is a bright guy with a rare gift of fishing enthusiasm and business acumen.

Jan 05 2017

Jason Grant


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I'm curious why you chose Accuweather and what you think of it's accuracy? The reason I ask is b/c I own a car wash so my world revolves around the weather. I have 13 weather apps on my phone. I haven't found Accuweather to be very accurate. To me Weather Underground and NOAA are the most accurate and Intellicast the worst.


Jan 05 2017

Jim Alsup


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Jason - What is the name of the NOAA app that you use?  I've heard from a couple other folks that NOAA is the most accurate also but don't know the app name.


Jan 05 2017

Jason Grant


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If you search for NOAA in the app store more than one will come up. The one I use is NOAA Radar Pro.

NOAA is essentially the governments weather forecaster. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A division of the department of commerce. Despite being controlled by the government, it's pretty darn good.

Jan 09 2017

Bruce Prindle


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One of the greatest disappointments in fishing has become more and more apparent with each passing year:

I hate it when the fish don't read the fishing magazines and apps!

So I work from this position:  "They've got to eat some time!"


Jan 24 2017

Andrew Schoonover


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Super Cool Mike. I've downloaded it. Headed to Giddings on Friday and will let you know forecast vs actual.


Feb 01 2017

James Stewart

Slot Fish

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something weird is happening on this app on my iphone.  when i'm home connected to wifi, the app never loads all the major/minor periods, times, or rating.  but when i'm off the home wifi using LTE data, it loads very quickly.



Feb 02 2017

Marty Newman


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Originally Posted by James Stewart

something weird is happening on this app on my iphone.  when i'm home connected to wifi, the app never loads all the major/minor periods, times, or rating.  but when i'm off the home wifi using LTE data, it loads very quickly.



{Quoted Post)

I just bought the app and have the same issue.  Home on WiFi and not loading.  Anxious to use it though.

Feb 08 2017

Andrew Schoonover


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Fished Giddings the 27th. Score was a 6 and got skunked. Worst day of fishing Giddings ever.

Feb 12 2017

Mike Mehlmann


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Ouch Andrew....I have never fished Giddings, but I have had terrible days when our app had scores even higher than a 6.  To test the validity of our ratings, the app needs to be used on the same body of water for at least 60 days.    Obviously, this is not possible for most of us....It's kind of like marking fish on the depth finder and not catching them....Does the depth finder work?  It helps you locate the fish, but does not guarantee you will catch them every time...But, it will improve your odds with time, which is what our app does.  We do have a Lake Fork Guide and FLW series Bass Pro reporting his catches to us for over 4 months now.  I just posted that today.  Check it out.

Feb 12 2017

Mike Mehlmann


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Hi Jason,  Glad we are not using Intellicast ;)   My business partner is with AccuWeather.  Weather Underground (WU) is owned by the parent company of The Weather Channel (TWC) and receives same data.  I do think NOAA is very accurate.  Both TWC/WU and AccuWeather serve over 1 Billion unique people per day.  They are the 2 largest in the world, and while their may be some prediction differences, they are both pretty good at the data we need for estimating ratings.  I Could see for a Car Wash tracking rain must be critical.  What is the name of your Car Wash?


Feb 16 2017

Jason Grant


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Clean Getaway in Frisco

Feb 17 2017

Andrew Schoonover


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I'm happy to provide more data. Is this the best forum or email you directly. I love the idea and hope you can get the algorithms worked out. 


Feb 28 2017

Mike Mehlmann


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My best e-mail address is  Shoot me an e-mail and we can begin communicating directly.  Thanks


Feb 28 2017

Mike Mehlmann


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James and Marty,

Our development team is working on this now.  Can you e-mail me your contact info directly   Thanks