Are you scared?

Oct 18 2016

Steve Alexander


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Are you scared?

We have opened some great properties in Oklahoma and not seeing our Dallas members taking advantage of the opportunity. These lakes are 2 to 2.25 hours from most of the metroplex. Its the same distance as lots of our east Texas lakes. In the office, we shake our heads all the time and wonder why members are hesitant to try new places.  All three of these properties are remote, quiet and offer good fishing. Two of the last 3 groups have killed them at Boswell, 1 group caught 90 fish (2 people) and 40 fish (1 person). Both groups reported fish over 5 lbs.  Is crossing the Red River scary? Come on Dallas members, the water is warm for another 3 to 4 weeks.


Oct 21 2016

James Mathis


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Steve, one of the issues that has made me hesitant are the disclaimers about difficult road conditions leading to the lakes.  These appear to be in remote areas that likely have no cell phone coverage, and getting stuck even in my 4WD truck would be a major problem.  Can you elaborate on this issue?  Thanks!

Oct 21 2016

James Stewart

Slot Fish

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For me, it's that I have my boat at Lake Fork, so the Flower Mound to Lake Fork to Oklahoma (and back) is a long trip.

Oct 21 2016

Murray Camp


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Originally Posted by James Mathis

Steve, one of the issues that has made me hesitant are the disclaimers about difficult road conditions leading to the lakes.  These appear to be in remote areas that likely have no cell phone coverage, and getting stuck even in my 4WD truck would be a major problem.  Can you elaborate on this issue?  Thanks!



Oct 24 2016

Jason Grant


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Now that they supply boats, I'm interested, even though they are a long way away. Which one would you recommend for a first-timer?

Oct 25 2016

Steve Alexander


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Originally Posted by James Mathis

Steve, one of the issues that has made me hesitant are the disclaimers about difficult road conditions leading to the lakes.  These appear to be in remote areas that likely have no cell phone coverage, and getting stuck even in my 4WD truck would be a major problem.  Can you elaborate on this issue?  Thanks!

James, Sorry for the delay. I understand your concern. If you have 4WD you will have ZERO issues, unless it is crazy wet. We have been crazy wet the last two springs. There are 12 months a year and if it is crazy wet, it is usually for just a few weeks or a month in the Spring or an occasional winter blast. This leaves 10 months a year or longer!

Secondly, if you do not have 4WD you are likely just fine. these properties are no more remote than most of our Texas private lakes that are the same distance from DFW. I think the road conditions have been an issue because these places are new and we have had an unusual amount of Spring rains since they opened. These places opened at the worst time when the rains were at their peak; making the stories far worse than reality.

 The members who are fishing these lakes fish them over and over and over. Hum....Wonder why? We have two different members who have fished Cody Ranch 10+ times this year. We have 3 members who have fished Oak Meadow 6+ times this year and 5 members who have fished Indian Hollow 3+ times.

As far as cell service is concerned, I have ATT and have cell service at Tushka and Cody Ranch. The AT@T coverage map shows that there is coverage in and around Boswell, but I do not remember if I had it or not.

I'm telling you, you will thank us if you try. We probably have 2 to 4 weeks left before OK gets cold.





Oct 25 2016

James Mathis


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Thanks for the response. The next few weeks are getting nutty in my schedule, but I'll look for a loop hole.

Thanks again,


Oct 26 2016

Jerry Gaither


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Comments .about the unimproved ramps have kept me away

Oct 27 2016

Larry Maupin


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I was at Cody Ranch a week ago and got to all of the lakes in a standard 2WD pickup. The Cabin and Moonshine Lake are accessible in a regular car or SUV. I had cell service at all of the lakes. We got off the improved roads several times but the cow pastures are mostly Coastal Bermuda and easy to drive on. Just watch where you step. lol The whole area is beautiful and remote - no airports or highways nearby. Very peaceful.

Oct 27 2016

Chris Edwards


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I have fished at Cody twice with a group of members and I drive a company 2WD Traverse and have not had any problems getting around but it was also during a dry period. Between me and my buddy, we caught around 150 fish in 2 days with an 8+, a couple of 6+ and several over 4.


Oct 27 2016

Steve Alexander


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Originally Posted by Chris Edwards


I have fished at Cody twice with a group of members and I drive a company 2WD Traverse and have not had any problems getting around but it was also during a dry period. Between me and my buddy, we caught around 150 fish in 2 days with an 8+, a couple of 6+ and several over 4.


Enough said.

Oct 27 2016

Steve Alexander


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Originally Posted by Jerry Gaither

Comments .about the unimproved ramps have kept me away

Launching larger bass boats (17 foot or larger) is likely going to be a problem. Getting rollers for your boat will allow you to put your boat in any lake in the club. We do it with a big, 3500 lb (Heavy) electrofishing boat. This thing is wide and heavy. We can launch on any and all club waters, because we use rollers on our trailer. You have some options 1) get rollers it makes a huge difference 2) get a smaller pond boat 3) continue with a bigger boat with carpeted trailer bunks and be more limited 4) fish on the lakes where boats are provided.

Nov 01 2016

Steve Alexander


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Originally Posted by Jerry Gaither

Comments .about the unimproved ramps have kept me away

Hi Jerry,

The owner at Tushka is adding a rock road and rock boat ramp that will cover much of the 1/3 mile drive from the county road to the lake. This should be complete by mid to late November. 

Nov 22 2016

Tom Dillon


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I'm wondering how much of a factor the requirement to buy an Oklahoma fishing license might be, too.




Nov 27 2016

Murray Camp


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Originally Posted by Tom Dillon

I'm wondering how much of a factor the requirement to buy an Oklahoma fishing license might be, too.




I thought about that too.   Oklahoma  Non-resident annual fishing licenses are $55, which is cheaper than Texas.

I think you can buy them online now:



Nov 28 2016

Steve Alexander


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Good point on the licenses. If you went 5 times a year it would add $10.00 to the cost of your trip. Hopefully, $10 would not deter someone from going.

Texas residents who are 65 or older are exempt from needing a Oklahoma Fishing license.