Mar 11 2022
Joshua Massoud
I feel like my eyesight has deteriorated over the last 10 years – any tips for those us in that boat? Fortunately, I can feel light taps on my line and a do a decent enough job of thumbing, but admittedly, if the fish takes my line and swims towards deeper water, I miss fish when I don’t recognize it in time.
Mar 11 2022
Dale Pybus
Slot Fish
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When I first got serious about bass fishing in the 70s, types and brands of premium fishing line were very limited. Most of the guys that I knew fished Stren clear blue fluorescent line. It’s high visiblity line. It glows in sunlight. Millions of bass were caught on fluorescent line. By the 90s, “low viz” lines were the rage and flurescent was passe. This time of year I fish a lot of soft plastics and often the strike is so light that it’s very difficult to feel. I bought a spool of Stren and spooled one of my reels with it. First trip out, I’m fishing a senko weightless, as it drifts to the bottom a fish picks it up. The line begins to inch toward me. I can easily see it coming my way. A swift hookset produces a fat girl over 7. I seriously doubt that I could have seen my other low viz line in that spot. The fluorescence helped put a good fish in the boat. Become a “line watcher”.