Any interest in a Cody Ranch trip in late April / early May?

Nov 11 2014

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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Any interest in a Cody Ranch trip in late April / early May?

Our last group outing to Oklahoma was a huge success.  Would any of you have interest in doing it again?  Once the kiddos are back to school after spring break, my schedule lightens up so I was looking at fishing Cody Ranch for a weekend.  Let's look at the last couple of weekends in April and see if we can swing it.  I think we should put a cap at say.......  10 people?  Anyone up for that?

Tight lines Gents,




Nov 13 2014

Tom Dillon


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Count me in, Jackson. Absolutely.

Nov 13 2014

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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Originally Posted by Tom Dillon

Count me in, Jackson. Absolutely.


So in the boater column I have Jackson and Tom.  BUT......  That really only leaves one spot for a co-angler because Tom gets a bit of a yard sale going on with his 12 rods fanned out!  wink  It looks like a little floating yard sale going on but nothing's for sale.  There's just a really happy guy sitting in the middle of the boat reaching for this rod and that.  cheeky

Zach Milwood will also be joining us so I think we are up at three already. 

Should be fun!



Nov 14 2014

Tom Dillon


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I hope we get some more, Jackson.....and I don't HAVE to take all 12 with me every time! LOL

Nov 15 2014

Rodney Schroeder


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I would hope to be able to make the trip, see some new lakes and meet some of the members. But looking at my calendar I have an annual company meeting in Charlotte the week of April 20 so the weekend before or after would not be good for me.  Looks like this plan is in initial stages so don't change weekends based on my "hoping" to go but if it looks like more folks could go at some oither time I would be more likely to be able to join the fun. I have a 10 foot pelican that has two seats but I have never put one of them together so don't know if can really fish two people.  I am almost like Tom in number of rods.  Always wonder why I take so many but easier to pick up a rod than tie on a different bait and then I usually use only  two or three. 

Nov 15 2014

Jay Reese

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I'm interested in fishing up there again. My stepbrother interested in coming as well. He's not member but fished with me few times told him about Cody ranch considering joining club.

Nov 17 2014

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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All sounds great gents.  How about we get serious after the first of the year and start getting a list together?  Once we know everyones' favorite weekend we will have Seth block the whole ranch for that few days.  Cody Ranch has been putting out some big fish since our last trip up there.  It should be another good time.


Nov 17 2014

Tom Dillon


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Jackson, since I'm officially 'retired' now, I'm definitely flexible on dates. Even March or May would work for me.

Nov 19 2014

Steve Raulerson


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I'm interested and can provide a boat as well.  Looking forward to the organizing starting!

-Steve R.


Nov 21 2014

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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Great to hear Steve.  I think we will hit 10 anglers fairly quickly.

We should probably hold at that number even though there are so many lakes available.  There are three or four lakes that will get the lion's share of the activity. 

If there is any interest in doing another fish fry we can surely handle that too with enough culls.

Looking forward to it.




Dec 21 2014

Marty Newman


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I'm in Jackson.  Can bring my boat if we need it.



Jan 09 2015

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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Originally Posted by Marty Newman

I'm in Jackson.  Can bring my boat if we need it.




Is April 25th okay for everyone?  If so, I will get with Steve / Seth about locking the ranch up for the weekend so we can have the run of the place.

May 2nd would be the alternate date.  I'm open to either, so you guys decide and we will get it scheduled.


Jan 10 2015

Marty Newman


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Either of those weekends is fine with me at this point Jackson.